Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Astrology Consultations - online

Dear Readers,

subsequent to predictions about Smt Jayalalitha - which turned out to be rather highly accurate
( 1. No Bail till 10th October
  2. Bail between 10 to 31st october
  3. Next CM will be a male member )

A lot of people have enquired if i do professional astrology consultations.

I prayed - and now God has allowed this to happen.

You can send your birth details and your specific questions to and i will send in my predictions and guidance via email. Those of you who want to consult me in person - kindly wait for 15 more days - as my place of practice is undergoing renovation.

The time of birth is very very important - accuracy of predictions will depend on the accuracy of the birth time that you provide.

I request you to be specific with your questions (not more than 5 in number)

God Bless.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Smt Jayalalitha - bail - did our prediction go wrong?

Yesterday - as soon as i heard that SC granted bail to Amma - i apologized and said that our prediction has gone wrong. I could not believe that astrology will go SO WRONG...

Now it becomes clear where the mistake happened.

The planets showed continued imprisonment for her till nov 26th. Since planets showed continued imprisonment - we assumed that bail will not be given. What has happened is peculiar. She has got bail - but is she free?

She is still a virtual prisoner - in her own house. Instead of being in a prison - she is now under a undeclared "house arrest".

12th house - which denotes "imprisonment" - which is another way of saying that the "jataka" (person whose chart we are dealing with) will be confined - is still active. Classic case of 12th house destroying or restricting or causing discomfort to the 1st house)

12th house - by way of causing discomfort to the lagna - can also mean that the person will be forced to shift from one place to another.

On 27th Sep, 2014 - when she was arrested and jailed in bangalore - JUPITER's period was running - which denotes 12th house. Hence shift to bangalore. On 17th Oct, 2014 - KETU period was running in the morning - and ketu was denoting 12th house - a change of place. But from around 9 a.m - Venus period started for her - which has cuspal links to 4,10 - (note that link to 12th house was missing  here - so imprisonment can be nullified)




Sunday, October 12, 2014


Today I had a very nice experience.

I went to visit a swamigal (priest) in a temple this evening. The swamigal came at around 5.30 p.m and he introduced a guy called CS to me. CS had knee and ankle pain and swamigal wanted me to attend to his pain - if possible. I put my faith in God - and started the treatment. When I started the treatment i noticed that CS had black areas on his skin - with rashes. I advised a siddha treatment for that - and did acupressure and sujok for his knee pain and ankle pain. Through God's grace, he was relieved of his pain and he was very grateful. Whatever fees he paid, i gave it to the temple as offering.

While treating CS, another person - called Mandira Moorthy (MM) approached me - and wanted to know if i can treat him. I had no objection. He had terrible heel pain and found it difficult to walk about. Again i prayed - and started the treatment. Through treatment - his pain was reduced only by about 70% and still pain remained. I noticed that while i was treating his golden ring on that hand was blocking the energy flow. Therefore, i requested him to remove the ring and wear it on his other hand which i was not treating. While he tried to remove the ring, his wife came running and shouted at him -"dont remove it - dont remove it" - MM asked "why?"h\ His wife looked at me scornfully - and literally pulled him away from me - and took him away. At that moment - i felt as if i was slapped - i felt as if she was accusing me of trying to rob her husband. She did not say so explicitly - but her actions and looks - were very clear.

I did not ask him to come to me - nor did i approach him. He approached me and requested for help. To my knowledge - with God's help - his pain has been reduced by more than half. And yet - this indirect accusation!!!! May God Bless Him.

I narrated this to the swamigal - and he said "do not worry about the words of immature people". Let this be an experience for me - not to throw pearls in front of pigs. They would willingly wait for a doctor's appointment - spend thousands of rupees on fees and medicines - and still not get alright. But when someone offers it for free - and indeed cures - they choose to disrespect.

I am thankful to God - for giving me this experience. Even though i was extremely hurt when this happened  - I am now not so hurt because I understood that people don't value free service. They want to be "charged". When the charges are high - they equate it with "good quality service".

Since i will be visiting this temple often - due to swamigal - i am sure to meet this MM in the near future. And I might - overcome my hurt ego - and through God's grace - treat him for his pain also. May God's will be done.

At the moment - MM does not know anything about me - and he does not know about this blog either!!!

Friday, October 10, 2014


Even if a "diabetic patient" keeps his sugar under control by regular medication - he/she will end up with complications of the eyes, heart, kidneys, tingling sensation in the legs, etc....

So the question is "is the medication helping in healing diabetes"?

The answer is NO - because more severe complications arise even if the patient is on medication.

If medication is not helpful - why then should a patient take it? Therein lies a sad tale of commercialization of medicine. At the altar of money - patient's welfare is willingly sacrificed.

As per Indian Law - no drug can be advertised to cure or prevent DIABETES. Refer Schedule J of "The Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

If the law says that no drug can prevent or cure diabetes - how then do the doctors - in various special diabetes centers - take care of diabetes patients? By magic and waving of hands? Of course - they prescribe drugs!!! And every time they prescribe drugs to "cure diabetes" - they are breaking the law!!! IT IS ILLEGAL TO EVEN CALL YOURSELF A DIABETES SPECIALIST - simply bcos - THERE ARE NO DRUGS TO PREVENT OR CURE DIABETES. This is the law of the land and this is what WHO also says. Therefore, every time you buy a tablet for diabetes - remember that you are wasting your money. The tablet will not cure your diabetes. It will start affecting your other organs. Therefore, you are paying money to make yourselves more sick.

Now that we know that there is absolutely no cure for diabetes - through drugs - let us try to understand this so called disease so that we can combat it effectively - WITHOUT DRUGS!!!.

Its a vast subject - but let me try to simplify it so that i dont waste your time.

If you eat well - AND DIGEST IT WELL - your body will produce good glucose. If you dont digest your food well - then your body will produce bad glucose.

All glucose produced in the body must go to the pancreas to be certified as good or bad. If the glucose is good - then pancreas gives the good glucose a certificate called "insulin". If the glucose is bad - then pancrease denies insulin to the bad glucose.

Good glucose - certified with insulin - is used by body cells to burn and produce energy. Bad glucose - without insulin certificate - is rejected by the body cells and they remain in the blood - so that they can be filtered by the kidneys and sent out through urine.

Two things to note here :

1. If pancreas is not secreting insulin - it means that the glucose is bad. There is no problem with the pancreas. So, if someone says that pancreas is not producing insulin - please do not believe him/her. Pancreas WILL produce insulin if the glucose is good. And glucose will be good ONLY if you are able to digest your food well.

2. If there is sugar in your urine - it means that your kidney is actively flushing out useless bad glucose. So whats the point in testing your urine for sugar? Completely useless test because - presence of sugar in urine is a healthy sign that your kidney is flusing out unwanted glucose. It should be a warning sign that your digestion is not up to the mark.

Therefore - type 1 diabetes - where your pancreas is not secreting insulin - is not a problem of the pancreas at all - but a result of improper digestion.

When this condition is treated by artificial injection of insulin - the body gets confused. All the bad glucose - which were denied insulin by the pancreas - now get insulin through this injection. The cells - when they see glucose - certified with insulin - absorb this "bad" glucose and try to burn this in their mitochondria. The result is over work and less energy production by the cell. Through artificial introduction of insulin - we are forcing the body to use rejected glucose. This leads to damage of body parts and eventual loss of functionality of the internal organs which are fed "bad" glucose.

Therefore, it is essential that we learn to eat properly and to digest food properly. If this is achieved - we can drive out diabetes.

In our next post - let us see how to do this. Keep watching this space.

God Bless.

Women jewellery - USES

When a person is afraid of ghosts/spirits etc... it used to be a practice to tie a rope on his/her upper arm just above the biceps. In tamil it is called "thaayathu" (தாயத்து). I used to think that it was mere superstition - a psychological ploy to give courage to the person concerned. Now after studying acupuncture - i see the wisdom in this practice. This rope usually activates LI14 and LU3. Believe it or not - these are the acupuncture points to fight depression, to reduce heart palpitations AND to reduce fear of ghosts!!!! And our ancestors - with their uncanny medical sense - mixed it with religious belief to help people with these problems.... GREAT.

This thought led me to read about other such "stupid" practices... and i focussed on the various ornaments that women wear. Wanted to see if there is any medical benefit in such things.

1. Bindi or Thilak or Pottu :

It activates a varma point called "thilartha varmam" - which increases memory power. Moreover, it is difficult to hypnotize or mesmerise a woman who is wearing a bindi - as this red spot makes it difficult for the mesmeriser.

2. Ear Ring : This point activates and energizes the brain. It also makes eye sight better.

3. Nettri Sutti - i dont know the name in english for this. Its a small ornament worn by ladies - middle of forehead - at the hairline - at the place where usually married women keep their kum kum - (for acupuncturists - between BL3 on the hairline) Wearing gold at this point - headaches become history - sinusitis runs away.

4. Ring on the 4th finger : Energizes sexual organs (watch, bracelet or ring like the punjabis also has the same effect)

5. Chain or necklace : It balances the energy flow between the body and the head (between thoracic and cervical region).

6. Vangi : Its a tight U or inverted U shaped ornament worn on the biceps of a woman. It has the same effect like the rope on the biceps that we talked about in the beginning of this post. Additional benefit is prevention of breast cancer. Can you believe this?

7. Bangles : By activating points on the wrist where yin and yang channels meet - body's immune system gets a boost. More white blood cells are produced. Important hormone secretions are regulated - hence health is preserved.

8. Ornament worn around the hips : Stomach region - uterus region become strong - hence mostly used in weddings and functions. The entire hip region becomes strong.

9. Nose ring : All diseases related to small and large intestine will be set right. Women who wear nose ring - rarely suffer from constipation.

10. Payal or Kolusu : The following organs are strengthened by wearing payal or kolusu. Liver, Spleen, Gall Bladder, Kidney, Stomach, Urinary Bladder. This was the reason why even men used to wear thick rings around their ankles. Do you remember the "silambu" made famous by the tamil classic "Silapathikaaram"?

11. Toe Ring : Strengthens the uterus and stimulates sexual hormones. Therefore, only married women were allowed to wear this.

Our ancestors gave us these ways which while making our women look beautiful - they also made them healthy. Hence, it is sad to see that our women are slowly forsaking these ornaments one by one. And in the name of religion too - many christian and muslim women avoid  many such healthy ways. So sad.

I can hear men asking - are there things/ways through which men can be healthy? Will write about it sometime later. dont worry :-)