Friday, September 2, 2016


Get ready for another scare tactic by the fraudulent pharma company controlled sham that is commonly known as western medicine.

They have tried all sorts of scares on us. Does anyone remember the heydays when aids was proclaimed as a life killer that could wipe out the entire human race? Ebola - Avian Flu - SARS - Monkey flu - Swine Flu - chickengunya and now comes ZIKA!!!!

Infection with the Zika virus is rarely severe enough to warrant hospitalization, and it is rarer still for an individual to die as a result. (Source : )

Most people infected with Zika virus won't even know they have the disease because they won't have symptoms... The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting for several days to a week. People usually don't get sick enough to go to the hospital, and they very rarely die of Zika. For this reason, many people might not realize they have been infected... Once a person has been infected, he or she is likely to be protected from future infections. (CDC's Zika page)

Thus, even according to the Centre for Disease Control - Zika is no big deal.

There is no correlation between zika virus and microcephaly (a condition in which the baby has a smaller head) It has been proven that microcephaly is caused more by insecticides. These days there is a lot of attention towards organic farming and healthy living. But we have companies which have produced pesticides and chemicals that are lying idle in warehouses - What better way than to evoke a fear and then use the government to buy all these pesticides to "Clean water bodies"!!!

Spreading fear about viruses is so effective - profits in billions - that the governments and health "authorities" of the world roll out the same scam every few years... and people fall for it every time!

Remember the great Swine Flu hoax?

The great swine flu hoax of 2009 is now falling apart at the seams as one country after another unloads hundreds of millions of doses of unused swine flu vaccines. No informed person wants the injection anymore, and the entire fear-based campaign to promote the vaccines has now been exposed as outright quackery and propaganda.

Even doctors are now calling the pandemic a complete hoax. As reported on FoxNews, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a leading health authority in Europe, says that drug companies "organized a 'campaign of panic' to put pressure on the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a pandemic. He believes it is 'one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century,' and he has called for an inquiry."

Not only does Zika fear allow governments to funnel money to vaccine companies and legalize more chemical insecticides; it also justifies their release of genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild (with unknown future consequences).

It's all part of the total destruction of the ecosystem that has been systematically planned and carried out by the globalists governments of the world.

What you're NOT being told is that the epicenter of the Zika virus spread is precisely where GM mosquitoes were released last year.

Oxitec, a company that calls itself "... a pioneer in controlling insects that spread disease and damage crops," unveiled its GM mosquito farm in Brazil in July 2012. Its goal was to reduce dengue fever, a disease which is spread by the Aedes mosquitoes which also spread the Zika virus. Then, in 2015, these GM mosquitoes were released into the wild in Brazil. In July that same year, the release was declared a success by the company, who noted that they'd been able to control the Aedes aegypti mosquito that spreads dengue fever, chikungunya ... and the Zika virus. However, in October, people in the general area where the mosquitoes were released began to experience illnesses related to the Zika virus at alarmingly fast rates.
It's the PERFECT MEDICAL SCAM: Spraying more chemicals will cause more deformed babies, resulting in an even greater cry for more vaccines and more chemical spraying... and the cycle repeats
It's the perfect medical scam! Zika is spread by the very things that we're all told are trying to stop Zika, and as the problem gets worse, all the chemical spraying and vaccines get ramped up to insane levels, causing even more insane levels of Zika virus.

It's just like flu shots: They spread the flu, causing more influenza outbreaks, panicking more people into getting more flu shots. And the cycle repeats. It's the greatest medical scam of all time: Make sure the treatments CAUSE the problem they claim to prevent!

Why do you think chemotherapy causes cancer? Why do you think antidepressant drugs cause depression? Why do you think flu shots spread the flu?

It's all by design, folks. And Zika is just the latest chapter of this massive quack science scam being carried out as global medical theater to control the masses.

You are all being played, Orwellian style, under the guise of "public health."

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