Saturday, December 10, 2016


Few years ago - i vowed not to write on politics - but the innumerable suffering that has been artificially manufactured - and thrust forcefully down the throat of the poor people has made me write this. Please bear with me. And if i am punished for it - so be it. Let that be my sacrifice for my beloved country called India.

They came with "India Shining" slogans and lost the elections badly... Such a humbling defeat should have made them realize that they were not in touch with ordinary folks whose lives were not shining. They fail to realize that India is not a mere geographical entity - India is its people.

Now - they have come out with a notebandi (banning 500/1000 notes) - they want a digital india (another India Shining alternative). Digital payments require smartphones - how many Indians have smartphones? Any of your servants/maids/security guys have smartphones? How many factory workers, construction labourers, chai walas have smartphones? Even if they have smartphones, the next requirement is net pack in their phones. After net pack - they need internet banking. Roughly 25% Indians earn an average of a meagre Rs. 100 a day - (1.25 dollars defined as poverty line and 25% are below poverty line) And our  PM wants such people to cough up money to buy a smartphone and maintain it with a net connection. If 120 crore people spend 100 rupees a month on net pack - the phone companies will laugh their way to bank - but the poor people will have to spend a full days earning to top up. Go to any recharge shop and see how many people come and recharge their phones for a royal 10 rupee.

we live in a society where 10% of the people control 90% of the resources. The remaining 90% of the people fend for themselves - either through a steady job or through un-steady job (informal sector). The steady job people will literally become paupers if 2 months salary is not paid. The informal sector guys will go broke if 2 weeks payment is denied. That is the stark reality of India which we ignore because our media carefully shuts out these people. When was the last time you saw a slum on your tv shows? When was the last time you ever saw a poorly clad person in any of your favourite "serials"? Without payment - a guy with a job will become beggar in 60 days - a guy in informal sector will become a pauper in 14 days... but the PM wants these very same people to bear with him for 50 days.... enough to "kill" the jobless - and enough to frustrate the jobbed one.

The mould which prepares these netas (RSS indoctrinated  -  cannot think beyond Hindutva -  cannot comprehend universal brotherhood - cannot think of inclusive growth -cannot comprehend equality in the eyes of the constitutional law (they wud honour manu law) - cannot accept rightful criticism - cannot see their own faults) churns out such "intelligent" men - who cough up schemes like India Shining and Digital India - themes which are economically illogical - politically partisan - realistically stupid. We dont need an enemy to destroy us - we have well intentioned - but impractical jokers to do that.

What our PM has achieved is succintly called "burning the house to catch a few rats". 

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