Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Will Jayalalitha come out of Appollo alive? Part 3 - FINAL PART

"To a common man like me, it becomes obvious that she is terribly sick...probably critically ill. And i know that allopathy can't cure her. She will be given back to the people probably in a body bag."

That was what i wrote in October (Oct 8, 2016 - click here to read that post) Almost TWO MONTHS AGO.

I do not want to gloat over the fact that i was correct - bcos her death has saddened crores of people all over India. There is no need to gloat because every alternate medical practitioner KNOWS FULLY WELL that allopathy cannot cure. Allopathy has not even managed to find cure for common cold and we should be real idiots to believe that they can cure much more serious conditions!!! Everyone who goes in - if he has sufficient cash to remain inside for some time - will end up BUYING a costly death - usually a heart failure or heart attack. Even after seeing a steady stream of people dying of the same reason "heart attack" - people are not waking up to the fact that allopathy and it poisonous drugs induce a heart condition that usually weakens the cardiac muscles. The entire cardio vascular system becomes weak and finally succumbs.

And today - Cho Ramasamy also died in the hospital. I do not need to tell you the cause of his death - CARDIAC ARREST (surprise!!!! surprise!!!!)

WAKE UP FOLKS. Do not let your loved ones die a gruesome death - isolated in an ICU ward - unable to see known faces - unable to laugh or hug or feel assuring wrist grabs. Death is inevitable but let it not happen in total and costly isolation.

Coming back to "Amma" Jayalalitha - her life was not easy - she herself had mentioned that she had to cross many hells to reach where she was. Her rule saw a pro poor approach - with many welfare schemes and freebies. Many people benefitted - politically and socially. But - she was an unwitting victim of a deadly friendship. A friendship which isolated Amma from her own family. The moment she fell sick - she was literally cordoned off and no family member was allowed to see Amma. Not a fitting way to go for a lioness who singlehandedly ruled mighty in a region that was practically male dominated. May her soul rest in peace and may Tamilnadu which loved her like her own daughter and proudly called her "Amma" (mother) progress in the way she wanted to.

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